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Nomination Committee 2008

The nomination committee consists of the following members: Björn Mikkelsen, Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communication, for the Swedish government; Peter Brixen, Ministry of Finance, for the Danish government, Morten Kallevig, Ministry of Trade and Industry, for the Norwegian government, Peter Wallenberg Jr for the Knut and AliceWallenberg Foundation, Henrik Michael Normann for Danske Bank, and Conny Karlsson for SEB Funds.

Registered shareholders in SAS AB’s register of shareholders maintained by VPC AB may submit proposals to the nomination committee on the following address:

  • SAS AB Nomination Committee
  • c/o General Counsel Corporate Legal Affairs / STODL
  • S-195 87 Stockholm, Sweden

At the Annual General Shareholder’s Meeting on April 17, 2007, the following instructions for the Nomination Committee was approved.