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New member of the Nomination Committee for SAS AB

December 11, 2006 09:48

At the Annual Shareholders´ Meeting in SAS AB on April 20, 2006, members of the Nomination Committee for SAS AB were appointed. Information about the Nominations Committee’s composition and following changes have previously been published through press releases and via the company’s homepage.

SAS AB has now been informed about the following change:

Odin Forvaltning, which has been represented in the Nomination Committee through Jarl Ulvin, has informed that they no longer are shareholders in SAS AB and therefore made their position in the Nomination Committee available to other shareholders.

The Nomination Committee, which in accordance with the decisions made at the Shareholders´ Meeting has to appoint another significant shareholder to be a member of the Nomination Committee instead of the leaving member, has decided to appoint SEB Fonder, which will be represented by Conny Karlsson, as a new member of the Nomination Committee.

SEB Fonder’s total shareholding in SAS AB amounted to 2,2% on November 28, 2006.

After the above change the Nomination Committee consists of the following six members:

Malin Björkmo, Swedish Ministry of Industry, for the Swedish Government (Chairman of the Nomination Committee)
Peter Brixen, Danish Ministry of Finance, for the Danish Government
Reier Söberg, Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry, for the Norwegian Government
Mathias Pedersen, for Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Foundation
Henrik Michael Normann, for Danske Bank
Conny Karlsson, for SEB Fonder


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