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SAS Interim report January – June 2004

August 11, 2004 08:00

• Operating revenue for the first half of the year amounted to MSEK 27,710 (29,010), a decrease of 4.5%. For comparable units, operating revenue for the period fell 4.2% or MSEK 1,216.

• Traffic growth was good for all the Group’s airlines. The SAS Group’s total passenger traffic (RPK) increased by 11.1% for the half year and by 14.3% for the second quarter.

• Income before depreciation and leasing costs for aircraft (EBITDAR) amounted to MSEK 1,449 (1,210) for the first half of the year. EBITDAR for the second quarter was MSEK 1,493 (1,608).

• Income before capital gains and nonrecurring items improved by MSEK 300 and amounted to MSEK –1,622 (-1,922) for the period. Adjusted for currency effects, income improved by MSEK 415. The result for the second quarter was marginally positive at MSEK 9 (-13).

• Income after financial items amounted to MSEK –1,583 (-1,789), and was MSEK 0 (87) in the second quarter.

• Income after tax amounted to MSEK –1,304 (-1,533), and was MSEK 98 (66) in the second quarter.

• CFROI for the 12-month period July 2003-June 2004 was 8% (8%).

• Earnings per share for the SAS Group in the first half of the year amounted to SEK –7.93 (-9.32). Equity per share amounted to SEK 72.14 (80.42).


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