SAS Interim report January-September 2003
• Operating revenue for the first nine months of 2003 amounted to MSEK 43,930 (48,235), a decrease of 8.9%. For comparable units, and adjusted for currency effects, operating revenue for the period decreased by 7.7% or MSEK 3,698 and by 10.6% in the third quarter.
• Income before depreciation and leasing costs for aircraft (EBITDAR) was MSEK 2,947 (5,962) for the full period. EBITDAR in the third quarter amounted to MSEK 1,737 (2,130).
• Income before capital gains and restructuring costs during the period amounted to MSEK –1,895 (-83). This negative result is mainly attributable to the first quarter. Income for the third quarter was MSEK 101 (50).
• Income before tax amounted to MSEK –1,225 (233) and MSEK 564 (640) for the third quarter.
• Income after tax amounted to MSEK –834 (152) and MSEK 699 (506) for the third quarter.
• CFROI for the 12-month period October 2002-September 2003 was 7% (11%).
• Earnings per share for the period January–September amounted to SEK –5.07 (0.93) for the SAS Group and equity per share was SEK 83.88 (93.70).