Simplified corporate administration in the SAS Group
In order to simplify the corporate administration within the SAS Group, the Board of Directors of SAS AB has decided that the boards of the subsidiaries the SAS Consortium and its three holding companies shall consist of members of the Group Management. Such board representation is already implemented for the other subsidiaries of the SAS Group. The members of the Board of SAS AB have earlier had these positions.
The above changes in SAS Danmark A/S, SAS Norge AS, SAS Sverige AB and the SAS Consortium will be implemented in connection with the upcoming annual general meetings for 2005. New Chairman of the boards will be the Jørgen Lindegaard CEO & President of the SAS Group.
The Board of SAS AB, who is elected by the shareholders of SAS AB and performs the overall board governance of the SAS Group, will not be affected by these changes.
For further information
Mats Lönnkvist
Senior Vice President & General Counsel SAS Group
Phone: +46-709 972754
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