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Changes in the Nomination Committee for SAS AB

December 12, 2008 15:50

At the Annual General Shareholder’s Meeting in SAS AB on April 9, 2008, members of the
Nomination Committee for SAS AB were appointed. Information about the Nomination
Committee’s composition and following changes has previously been published through press releases and via the company’s homepage.

SAS AB has now been informed that Danske Bank has substantially reduced its shareholding in SAS AB and that Danske Bank’s nominated member, Henrik Norman, in accordance with the Instruction to the Nomination Committee decided by the Annual General Shareholder’s Meeting, has made his seat available.

The Nomination Committee, that is already advanced in the process, has after evaluation, following Henrik Norman’s retirement, decided that it still has a representative assembly that fulfils the requirements of the Articles of Association, and that the change of the assembly does not substantially affect the Nomination Committees possibilities to perform its commission.

Hence, the Nomination Committee, supported by the rules in the instruction, decided not to appoint any new member to replace Henrik Norman, but instead it will carry on its work with remaining five members.

After the above change the Nomination Committee consists of the following five members:

Björn Mikkelsen, Swedish Ministry of Industry, for the Swedish Government (Chairman of the Nomination Committee)
Peter Brixen, Danish Ministry of Finance, for the Danish Government
Knut J. Utvik, Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry, for the Norwegian Government
Peter Wallenberg Jr, for Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Foundation
Anders Rydin, for SEB Fonder.For further information, please contact
Sture Stölen, Head of Investor Relations, +46 (0)70 997 1451

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