SAS sells its facilities at the technical base at Oslo airport
SAS AB has today sold its facility at the technical base at Oslo airport for MNOK 650 to Oslo Pensjonsforsikring, after having utilized an option to buy the facilities from APAB that has been the previous owner.
The transaction does not generate a capital gain or liquidity for SAS, but it will reduce the yearly operating expenses.
SAS has concurrently with the sale signed a 15 year leasing agreement with the right to extension.
– We are pleased with this sale which gives us a new long-term and solid owner that understands the central role of this facility for the operation of the infrastructure at OSL, says Bjørn Frivold, Head of SAS Facility Management
The broker for the transaction on behalf of SAS has been Newsec.
For further information,
SAS media contact + 47 64 81 88 00
SAS Investor Relations
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